Master in International Business


En Barcelona

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900 49 49 40

Llamada gratuita. Lunes a Viernes de 9h a 20h.


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Course in English introduces the MIB, a programme of educational training in international business management.

The programme studies all areas of comercial’s business and strategies because the business world requires experienced professionals with advanced knowledge in management.

The MIB is based on four fundamental elements: functional methods and techniques, personal development, the importance of strategic information decision-making, and aspects corresponding to creativity and innovation. These are all crucial for securing a place in today's multinational, multicultural and constantly evolving world of global business.

The main objectives of the MIB are to train leaders who are able to evolve within the heart of complex international markets, and who are capable of inducing and managing flexibility and change in reaction to new technologies. The program seeks to train leaders capable of handling the appearance of new markets and inevitability of social evolution. It also aims to create leaders who are open-minded and receptive, capable of communicating and being creative.

Información importante

Para realizar esta formación debes tener uno de estos niveles de estudios: Bachillerato o en último curso, CFGM, FP1 o en último curso, CFGS, FP2 o en último curso, Grado, Licenciatura, Diplomatura..., Máster, Posgrado, Doctorado o en último curso

Instalaciones y fechas



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¿Cuáles son los pasos necesarios para apuntarme a este curso?

Diego M., 30/10/2023


Respuesta de Equipo E. (30/10/2023)

¡Hola! Si estás interesado en registrarte en este curso, el primer paso es comunicarte con uno de los asesores de Emagister. Para ello, te animamos a presionar el botón "Pide información", proporcionar la información solicitada y, de esta forma, recibirás una guía clara sobre el proceso de inscripción ...

¿Existe la opción de realizar prácticas en este curso? De ser así, ¿cuál sería su ubicación?

Jonhatan L., 30/10/2023


Respuesta de Equipo E. (30/10/2023)

Hola, sí, esta formación incluye prácticas, las cuales se llevan a cabo en empresas asociadas al centro. Saludos del equipo de Emagister.


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Todos los cursos están actualizados

La valoración media es superior a 3,7

Más de 50 opiniones en los últimos 12 meses

Este centro lleva 11 años en Emagister.


  • E-business
  • Management
  • Marketing básico
  • MIB
  • Strategic Management
  • International Taxation
  • Leadership Skills
  • Global Economics
  • Cross Cultural Management
  • Financial Management
  • Corporate Internationalisation
  • International Business Law
  • Marketing cultural


Course Content:

Global Economics

  • This course looks at and studies the main economic concepts, principles and theories that help to explain the structure and functioning of the modern international and global economy.

Cross Cultural Management

  • The course provides students with the theoretical and practical tools necessary to improve their effectiveness and productivity in international business activities.

Leadership and Management Skills

  • The course will introduce you to modern management concepts and their historical development. It will acquaint students with managerial planning, organisation, control and motivation, ethics, decision-making and communication as well as various elements of group behaviour and leadership.

International Marketing

  • The course will enable students to identify and apply the main concepts and techniques of marketing to business problems. Marketing as a process, marketing planning or the role of marketing strategy within the business strategy dealt with during the course.


  • The course defines the core elements to develop an e-business strategy, including branding, competitive analysis, technology assessment, business method models and preparing for emerging trends. Course assignments will involve extensive case studies and on-line research.

Financial Management

  • The course provides students with a basic understanding of the techniques of corporate financial management. Students deal with the tools necessary for a financial planning and management at the medium and short term. They will also learn to evaluate the financial statement of an international company.

Managing Risk in International Finance

  • The course provides an understanding of the new risks that increasing globalisation has brought to multinational enterprises and it examines these risks and the way in which they can be managed.

International Taxation

  • Tax treaties, transfer pricing rules in international taxation, international estate planning, European tax law and international tax policy, basic international tax planning and value added taxation are some of the topics that will be dealt with from a business perspective.

International Project Management

  • Project management tests the knowledge, experience and personal qualities required by a professional project manager. Today, project activity and education in project management are making a comeback as work methods and procedures used by organisations to meet the challenges of increasingly international operating environments.

Corporate Internationalisation

  • The course is aimed at all managers and future managers of firms that have an international focus and an eye on market expansion. The course examines these issues from the perspective of a range of corporate indicators and it is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to improve decision-making on international issues for any corporation.

International Business Law

  • In today's business dealings, parties frequently have their principal places of business in different countries which raises various legal issues not present in a domestic transaction. There is an increasing body of law, which many countries adhere to and in this course we will be focusing on this and how legal risk in international transactions may be minimised.

International Human Resource Management

  • The objectives of this course are to introduce students to the basics of people management in organisations, allowing them to identify the internal and external factors of human resource management that are considered to be the most influential ones.

Media Communications Workshop

  • The course focuses on internal and external communication as a shared responsibility for all members of an organization and the need for training internal communication skills to achieve an effective and efficient communication with superiors, subordinates and peers, individually and in group.

Strategic Management

  • This course provides students with an opportunity to draw upon previous experiences and education, to apply various business concepts and analytical tools to complex problems and issues in organisational settings.

Double Degree
Students who pass the course will obtain the MIB from EAE Business School. Besides, students who fulfil the academic requirements established will obtain the degree from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (if studying in Barcelona) or from Universidad Camilo José Cela (if studying in Madrid). Ipag Business School Degree Students who study a semester in Paris and successfully complete the programme, will also obtain the IPAG Business School official degree.

Información adicional

Nuestra metodología innovadora y flexible nos permite ofrecer a alumnos internacionales un sistema de incorporación continua de varias etapas para que puedan incorporarse a las clases presenciales posterior al comienzo oficial del programa sin problemas. Para la convocatoria de Mayo 2021 ofrecemos cuatro etapas/fechas para el on-boarding de los alumnos a las clases presenciales. Solicita información sobre tu programa de interés y uno de nuestros asesores te informará sobre las fechas de incorporación que tenemos previstas.

Convocatoria Mayo'24 EAE-Universidad de Lleida

Más información

¿Necesitas un coach de formación?

Te ayudará a comparar y elegir el mejor curso para ti y a financiar tu matrícula en cómodos plazos.

900 49 49 40

Llamada gratuita. Lunes a Viernes de 9h a 20h.

Master in International Business

Precio a consultar