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The Team School

Gestión y Dirección de Proyectos Digitales

The Team School

IVA inc.
Tipología Grado
Lugar Barcelona
Duración 3 Años
Inicio Fechas a elegir
Prácticas en empresa

¿Te gustaría ampliar tus conocimientos profesionales y pasar a un nivel superior?

¡Si es así, esta información es para ti!

En esta ocasión, Emagister te presenta este completo y novedoso Curso Gestión y Dirección de Proyectos Digitales, impartido por el centro educativo The Team School, cuyo objetivo es presentarte la actualidad del mundo empresarial, cada uno de los conceptos de vanguardia que se aplican al mundo digital y el dominio de la informática dentro de este ámbito.

Los avances que se han logrado en la actualidad gracias a la tecnología, han permitido que el campo empresarial se globalice y evolucione día a día.

Para entender adecuadamente este contexto, un equipo de profesionales ha diseñado un temario totalmente actualizado en donde se profundiza en temas como los sistemas operativos, la cultura digital en la actualidad, el diseño gráfico, las soft skills, el diseño 3D, la gestión de equipo, la importancia del marketing y la comunicación, el diseño de videojuegos, el diseño web, entre muchos otros.

Toma la decisión ahora y empieza tu formación profesional.

Comunícate con uno de los profesionales de nuestro equipo de Emagister y recibe toda la información que necesitas acerca de este curso.

Titulación Gestión y dirección de proyectos digitales
Dónde y cuándo



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Carrer Bailén, 34, 08010


Fechas a elegirMatrícula abierta
Anna Gassió
Anna Gassió
Founder - Science Po

I suggest you look around and try to identify one item that is not connected to technology. Information technology is essential today to all industries, it is a magic toolbox with only one limit, our creativity. Entrepreneur in the tech industry, I chose to write the curriculum I would have liked to study myself. To decide for an information technology career is not only to choose one’s future but more so to imagine and design our future.

Brigitte Fournier
Brigitte Fournier
Founder Former CEO Noir sur Blanc International Enseignement et recher

The Z generation children – born with a digital world – and Alpha – born in a digital world- , are thinking and learning differently. The ambition and wish of The Team School is to train them with a more adapted pedagogy, that will enable them to integrate their future professional life. In small teams, learning through case studies, the students will in turn act, contribute, advise or experiment, and will master various techniques, practices and methods. They will have learned and experienced and adopt this process as one of their own.

Christine Ho Hio Hen
Christine Ho Hio Hen
Founder HEC Paris - CEO – Ecomax

Our society is facing numerous challenges – environmental, economical or ethic, that can only be solved with great creativity and disruption. The solutions to these issues will for sure be both digital and innovative. Our belief is that the leaders that will succeed tomorrow will certainly need to master technology but also prove their team and communication skills, the more practice they have in timely resolving issues in teams, the better ready they will be.

Gaëlle Calmo
Gaëlle Calmo
Kedge Business School - Customer Experience Consultant

Kedge Business School - Customer Experience Consultant Past Chief Technical Officers were required to maintain a park of computers and manage a team of IT engineers, in the underground floors of the company. Today, Chief Information Officers are part of the company’s board meetings and help define the company’s strategy and run innovative projects. This cartoonish vision underlines the need to train “hybrid” managers proving to master both strong technological skills along with management and communication skills. This is our ambition with The TEaM School.

Jean-Marie Le Monze
Jean-Marie Le Monze
Founder Ecole National des Télécommunications de Paris London Business

Having managed technical and IT teams for many years, I have always had trouble recruiting good project managers capable of not only developing code but also of understanding the client-users’ needs and effectively interfacing with all functions of the company. Bringing this dual skill to our students allows them to integrate effectively into the businesses of today and tomorrow.

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