No hemos encontrado resultados para banco santander madrid en la sección Masters

Cursos con algunos de los términos que has buscado

"banco santander madrid"

¡12% de ahorro!
UC - Departamento de administración de empresas
  • Master oficial
  • Santander
  • Octubre añade a su oferta formativa el Máster Universitario en Banca y Mercados Financieros, una docencia diseñada e impartida por UCEIF - la Fundación de la Universidad de Cantabria para el Estudio y la Investigación del Sector Financiero. Un plan de estudios que nace con la voluntad de formar a profesionales en el ámbito financiero, así como realizar una aproximación...

9.500 € IVA inc.
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"banco santander madrid"

9 opiniones
  • We works in groups in order to solve problems in the reallife of countries and companies. This master will increase my chances for employment opportunities.
  • Professors are telling what they are professional in, what they are really doing, everyone is telling some secrets, small pieces of their own personal experiences that can not be taken from books.
  • During my internship in the department of Capital Structuring & Asset Finance within Santander Investment, I had the chance to gain an in-depth understanding of how complex capital structures are being formed for the financing of companies, positioned in strategic sectors of the Spanish economy. This is an amazing experience for me, since my active day to day engagement in meetings with senior analysts, associates and VPs, reporting my findings, has made me feel an active and valuable member of the team
CIFF - Universidad de Alcalá
  • Master
  • Madrid
  • Octubre
  • 9 Meses

our Master of Finance and Banking will match your ambitions with its content and relevance. With a practical approach where it’s you and your fellow students who propose solutions, provide creativity and come up with a result, the programme is designed to equip you with a thorough understanding of the many complex and challenging aspects of banking and financial markets...

11.453 €

our Master of Finance and Banking will match your ambitions with its content and relevance. With a practical approach where it’s you and your fellow students who propose solutions, provide creativity and come up with a result, the programme is designed to equip you with a thorough understanding of the many complex and challenging aspects of banking and financial markets...

IEB - Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles
  • Master
  • Madrid
  • 13 Meses

El máster especializado en corporate finance y banca de inversiones nace con la voluntad de formar a profesionales dentro del marco adscrito a un Banco de Inversiones. ¿Estás interesado en elevar tus competencias en un ámbito que exige gran profesionalidad? Con la realización de este curso estarás plenamente capacitado para desempeñar tus funciones en el campo de las finanzas...

18.500 € IVA inc.
ESERP Business & Law School
  • Master
  • Madrid
  • Octubre
  • 9 Meses
  • Curso bonificable
  • Prácticas en empresa

Es el momento para ser profesional, aprovecha este Máster en Dirección Financiera, Banca y Bolsa en Madrid, que te ofrece Emagister y Eserp Business School, se parte del mercado laboral con más demanda en el sector.

8.100 €
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