Inglés On Line.

3 opiniones
  • Me ha gustado el material, las actividades y como me han tratado los tutores. Y que lo he podido hacer a mi ritmo.
  • Lo mejor fueron los profesores que me han ayudado desde que empecé el curso y también que lo he podido hacer desde casa a la hora que me venía bien. Por fin he podido ponerme con el inglés!
  • Lo mejor es que ahora puedo ir a Inglaterra y me puedo buscar la vida. Mi tutora me ha animado y me ha enseñado un montón. Thank you Kate.



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198 € IVA inc.

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900 49 49 40

Llamada gratuita. Lunes a Viernes de 9h a 20h.


  • Tipología


  • Metodología


  • Horas lectivas


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Preguntas & Respuestas

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  • Me ha gustado el material, las actividades y como me han tratado los tutores. Y que lo he podido hacer a mi ritmo.
  • Lo mejor fueron los profesores que me han ayudado desde que empecé el curso y también que lo he podido hacer desde casa a la hora que me venía bien. Por fin he podido ponerme con el inglés!
  • Lo mejor es que ahora puedo ir a Inglaterra y me puedo buscar la vida. Mi tutora me ha animado y me ha enseñado un montón. Thank you Kate.

Valoración del curso

Lo recomiendan

Valoración del Centro

jaime ruiz

Lo mejor: Me ha gustado el material, las actividades y como me han tratado los tutores. Y que lo he podido hacer a mi ritmo.
A mejorar: Todo bien, algún día no me pude conectar porque me iba internet lento pero bueno eso es cosa de mi conexión...
¿Recomendarías este curso?:

Marta Gil

Lo mejor: Lo mejor fueron los profesores que me han ayudado desde que empecé el curso y también que lo he podido hacer desde casa a la hora que me venía bien. Por fin he podido ponerme con el inglés!
A mejorar: En general me ha gustado todo.
¿Recomendarías este curso?:

Esther Armas

Lo mejor: Lo mejor es que ahora puedo ir a Inglaterra y me puedo buscar la vida. Mi tutora me ha animado y me ha enseñado un montón. Thank you Kate.
A mejorar: Lo que menos me ha gustado fue el foro.
¿Recomendarías este curso?:
*Todas las opiniones recogidas por Emagister & iAgora han sido verificadas


Los cursos de idiomas de Agoraclick están concebidos para que aprendas de una forma fácil y amena, con los múltiples recursos que te proponemos.

    • Cada curso corresponde a 60-90 horas de trabajo y tienes hasta 4 meses para realizarlo, aunque recuerda es orientativo como dispones de acceso ilimitado, el ritmo lo marcas tú.
    • Unidades didácticas que a través de actividades interactivas, ejercicios, vídeos y audios te permitirán mejorar tus habilidades en: escritura, escucha, comprensión oral/escrita, vocabulario y gramática.
    • Apoyo de nuestros tutores nativos durante todo el curso desde el primer día.
    • Manuales de cada unidad que contienen la gramática completa y las expresiones inglesas más habituales.
    • Vídeos de situaciones útiles orientadas a la práctica y comprensión de la unidad.
    • Vocabulario interactivo. Ayuda y traducción multi- idioma.
    • Unidades de repaso para consolidar lo aprendido a través de una amplia variedad de actividades y ejercicios. Evaluación de las diferentes competencias para ver tu progreso.
  • English No Limits: Level B1 - Course I

    The course content remains functional and focused entirely on improving learner independence in all areas. In this couse the learner is introduced to the contrasting uses of the tenses covered so far such as Present Continuous for future plans with Going to for intentions. As with the other levels on the course, there is frequent pronunciation practice and the learner has exposure to long and short sounds, correct regular past tense endings as well as general vocabulary and sentence level practice. The use of a variety of exercises encompasses different learner styles as well as guaranteeing thorough coverage of the topics covered.

    • Unit 1 - Lesson 1 - Buying the perfect camper

      Aims: To learn and acquire expand both structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. Vocabulary: Travel.

    • Unit 1 - Lesson 2 - Buying the perfect camper

      Aims: To introduce and practice the grammar as well as to expand both structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions - Review: Present simple, present continuous, past simple Vocabulary Travel, means of transport, everyday activities.

    • Unit 1 - Lesson 3 - Buying the perfect camper

      Aims: To review and consolidate the grammar, structures and vocabulary covered through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions - Review: Present simple, present continuous, past simple - Review of basic telephone conversations - Personal information - Vocabulary - Time expressions for the past and present - Travel vocabulary, means of transport, everyday activities.

    • Unit 1 - Lesson 4 - Buying the perfect camper - Additional exercises.
    • Unit 2 - Lesson 1 - Mildred

      Aims: To learn, practice, acquire and expand both structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items. Vocabulary - Talking about the weather - Travel vocabulary: to pack a suitcase.

    • Unit 2 - Lesson 2 - Mildred

      Aims: To learn and practice grammar, and useful sentences through a series of interactive exercises Functions: Present perfect: recent past actions. All forms - Possessive pronouns; question word: Whose? Vocabulary - Talking about the weather and temperatures - Travel vocabulary: to pack a suitcase.

    • Unit 2 - Lesson 3 - Mildred

      Aims: To review, practice and consolidate both grammar and structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions - Present perfect: recent past actions. All forms - Possessive pronouns Interrogative pronoun: Whose? Vocabulary - Talking about the weather and temperatures - Travel vocabulary: to pack a suitcase.

    • Unit 2 - Lesson 4 - Mildred - Additional exercises

      Additional exercises.

    • Unit 3 - Lesson 1 - Let's go to the Isle of Wight

      Aims: To acquire, learn and expand both structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. - Talking about the weather - Presentation of new vocabulary.

    • Unit 3 - Lesson 2 - Let's go to the Isle of Wight

      Aims: To acquire and practice both the grammar and structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions - Present Perfect: for and since - Present continuous - Present Simple - Past Simple - Going to + infinitive Adverbs Agreements Prepositions of movement. Vocabulary - Expressing feelings and emotions - Travel plans Difference between “gone” and “been” Public places.

    • Unit 3 - Lesson 3 - Let's go to the Isle of Wight

      Aims: To review and consoldiate the grammar, structures and vocabulary covered in the lessons through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions - Present Perfect: for and since - Present continuous - Present Simple - Past Simple - Going to + infinitive - Adverbs - Expressing similarities - Agreements - Prepositions of movement. Vocabulary - Expressing feelings and emotions - Travel plans - Difference between “been” and “gone” - Public places.

    • Unit 3 - Lesson 4 - Let's go to the isle of Wight - Additional exercises.
    • Unit 4 - Lesson 1 - Having a breakdown

      Aims: To acquire and learn both structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. Vocabulary - Presentation of new vocabulary: fabrics and textiles.

    • Unit 4 - Lesson 2 - Having a breakdown

      Aims: To acquire and practice grammar and some more structures through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions - Present perfect: yet and already - Have you ever..? (past experiences) - Quantifiers: too much, too many, not enough Vocabulary - Clothes vocabulary, Cloth material, farewells.

    • Unit 4 - Lesson 3 - Having a breakdown

      Aims: To review and consolidate both structures and vocabulary and grammar through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and - Present perfect: yet and already - Have you ever..? (past experiences) - Quantifiers: too much, too many, not enough - Imperatives Vocabulary - Common expressions - Clothes vocabulary.

    • Unit 4 - Lesson 4 - Having a breakdown - Additional exercises.
    • Unit 5 - Lesson 1 - Bye-Bye, Roland!

      Aims: To acquire and learn both structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. Vocabulary - Shapes - Materials - Common expressions.

    • Unit 5 - Lesson 2 - Bye-Bye, Roland!

      Aims: To learn and practice grammar as well as some more expressions. Structures and functions - Present perfect vs. Past simple: use of time markers - Present perfect: just - Something / Anything / Nothing Vocabulary - Shapes - Materials - Common expressions.

    • Unit 5 - Lesson 3 - Bye-Bye, Roland!

      Aims: To revise and consolidate both structures and vocabulary as well as grammar through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions - Describing objects when you don't know the name - Present perfect vs Past simple: use of time markers - Present perfect: just - Something / Anything / Nothing Vocabulary - Shapes - Materials - Common expressions: to look like, to make a decision, to be made of..

    • Unit 5 - Lesson 4 - Bye-Bye, Roland! - Additional exercises
    • Unit 6 - Lesson 1 - She's left me!

      Aims: To review and consolidate structures and vocabulary as well as grammar through a series of interactive exercises. The use of error detection exercises makes students aware of the typical errors made at this stage. Structures and functions - Present perfect - Past Simple - Going to + infinitive - Something / Anything / Nothing Vocabulary - Shapes - Materials - Common expressions: review.

    • Unit 6 - Lesson 2 - She's left me!

      Aims: To review and consolidate structures and vocabulary as well as grammar through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions - Present perfect - Past Simple - Going to + infinitive - Present continuous - Something / Anything / Nothing Vocabulary - Clothes - Materials - Common expressions.

    • Unit 6 - Lesson 3 - She's left me!

      Aims: To review and consolidate structures and vocabulary as well as grammar through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions - Present perfect - Past Simple - Going to + infinitive - Present continuous - Something / Anything / Nothing Vocabulary - Clothes - Materials - Common expressions from past units.

Más información

¿Necesitas un coach de formación?

Te ayudará a comparar y elegir el mejor curso para ti y a financiar tu matrícula en cómodos plazos.

900 49 49 40

Llamada gratuita. Lunes a Viernes de 9h a 20h.

Inglés On Line.

198 € IVA inc.