Master's degree in applied artificial intelligence (ARTIFICIAL)


A Distancia

5.990 € IVA inc.

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900 49 49 40

Llamada gratuita. Lunes a Viernes de 9h a 20h.


  • Tipología


  • Metodología

    A distancia

  • Horas lectivas


  • Duración


  • Prácticas en empresa

  • Campus online

  • Envío de materiales de aprendizaje

  • Servicio de consultas

  • Tutor personal

Learn at an advantageous price to develop and manage Artificial Intelligence systems and get a job in a short time at companies and institutions that are going to implement or have intelligent systems. To make this feasible, we have teachers from several countries with a long professional career in this theme and who will also provide a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach, together with innovative teaching and learning methodologies, and with some of the most powerful digital educational technologies. The course is one year long. During the first 6 months, you will learn the basic knowledge and skills for the development and management of Artificial Intelligence applications. During the last 6 months of the course, you will select and carry out a final course project, which will be supervised by some of the course teachers and will consist of applying part of the knowledge and skills acquired into some corporate or institutional context.

Información importante

Bonificable: Curso bonificable para empresas
Si eres trabajador en activo, este curso te puede salir gratis a través de tu empresa.

Instalaciones y fechas



A distancia


Fechas a elegirMatrícula cerrada

A tener en cuenta

Learning results targeted: acquisition of knowledge and skills to be able to develop and manage intelligent systems in corporate and institutional settings.
Jobs for which this course is relevant: Manager/developer of organizational digital transformation processes; Manager of intelligent systems in corporative or institutional settings; Desginer/developer of intelligent systems in corporative or institutional settings; Consultant on development or management of intelligent systems; Entrepreneur in the sector of, or through the usage of, ICT; Researcher in artificial intelligence topics.

The course is aimed especially at people holding a bachelor degree (or equivalent) in any discipline who are interested in obtaining an independent certification of knowledge and skills on Artificial Intelligence. This course will contribute to finding a job related to development or organizational management at companies and institutions that are going to implement or have intelligent systems. The course is also ideal for professionals who wish to certify their experience in this subject.

It is not required to have knowledge about Artificial Intelligence -the mathematical concepts and methods learnt at pre-university education level are sufficient) It is necessary to have a desktop or laptop computer with an Internet connection.

Master's degree in pplied artificial intelligence

This course is new and therefore it integrates the latest advances in the thematic area. In addition, it is a course created by professionals with a lot of experience. Thousands of Alumni endorse the capacity of the teaching team after more than 25 years training people in this thematic area. The course can be started at any time, so this making it possible that enrolled persons: (1) access the course in a simple manner and without any enrolment deadline; (2) receive maximum quality post-graduate education at a competitive price; (3) may have a scholarship; (4) can pay for their tuition fees in a flexible manner; (5) be in an international list of job opportunities; (6) organize their time and activities autonomously; (7) choose amongst several languages (including English and Castellan) to receive their education; (8) have a personal tutor; (9) may hold a degree that may be recognized by higher education systems.

Once your information request is received, a person from our organization will contact you to explain everything you need to know about this course, for example, about the teaching system, the registration process or the scholarship application.

The course is structured into 2 semesters and the student chooses her/his teaching language amongst a range of languages offered, including English and Castellan. During the first semester after her/his enrolment, the student must take 5 subjects, for each of which (s)he will be sent all the necessary study resources. Also, for each subject (s)he will be sent the statement of an eminently practical assignement. This can be resolved in collaboration with other students if they wish to and will be evaluated at the end of the semester bu the teacher(s) of the subject. During the second semester, a master's thesis must be accomplished that will be defined during the first semester from a list that will be sent to the student or that (s)he her/himself may propose. The master's thesis will be supervised by one of the course teachers.

Yes. In fact, it includes job opportunities from several countries.

This course is taught continually all over the year.

There is no deadline for enrolment. The call for enrolment is always open.

Yes. It is possible to pay for the first half of the tuition fees when doing the enrolment and the secon halft before the start of the second semester.

Yes. There scholarships require meeting some criteria related to the applicant's economic situation and excellence in previous (university) studies. These scholarships can involve an exemption of 50% or even 100% of the tuition fees.

The degree may be recognized by similar-in contents courses of the higher education systems of Anglo-Saxon, European, Asian or Latin-Amercian countries, mainly due to the design of the education system and the fact that all course teachers are full professors.

Yes. Each student will have a personal tutor at her/his disposal from the moment (s)he enrols and for the entire duration of the course. In addition, (s)he may also be attended by the teacher(s) for specific questions regarding some subject.

Preguntas & Respuestas

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  • Inteligencia artificial
  • Sistemas inteligentes
  • Machine learning
  • Robótica
  • Algoritmos
  • Internet de las cosas
  • Ingeniería del conocimiento
  • Blockchain
  • Criptodivisas
  • Deep learning
  • 5G
  • Apps
  • Ética profesional
  • Ciberseguridad
  • 4RI
  • Procesamiento de lenguaje
  • Redes sociales
  • Big Data
  • Digital marketing
  • Data mining


Profesor 1 EH 1

Profesor 1 EH 1


Doctor en Mecánica de Máquinas. Máster en Ingeniería Electrónica. MSc en Matemáticas. Ingeniero en Electrónica. Profesor catedrático de Mecánica de Máquinas. Investigador responsable de un grupo de investigación universitario. Autor o coautor de más de 200 publicaciones científicas.

Profesor 2 EH 2

Profesor 2 EH 2


Doctor en Informática. Máster en Informática. MBA. Licenciado en Computación. Graduado en Contabilidad. Profesor principal (catedrático) en Computación. Miembro de un Grupo de Investigación universitario.Profesor visitante en la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (España). Autor o coautor de más de 20 publicaciones científicas. Responsable de varios proyectos de I+D. Consultor y auditor en sistemas de información./ PhD in Computer Science. MSc in Computer Science. MBA. Bachelor degree in Computer Science. Bachelor degree in accounting. Professor of Computer Science.

Profesor 3 EH 3

Profesor 3 EH 3


Doctor en Informática.Doctor en Sociología.MSc en Sociología.Ingeniero Informático.Graduado en Ciencia Política.Graduado en Sociología.Profesor catedrático en Inteligencia Artificial.Visiting Fellow en universidades de varios países.Investigador responsable de un grupo de investigación universitario. Coautor de más de 150 publicaciones científicas/PhD in Informatics.PhD in Sociology.MSc in Sociology.Master in Informatics.Master in Political Science.Master in Sociology.Bachelor in Political Science.Bachelor in sociology.Full Professor of Artificial Intelligence.


First semester

Study block composed by the following subjects:

  • Societies and information and communication technologies.
  • Artificial Intelligence: intelligent systems and machine learning.
  • Intelligent algorithms.
  • Intellligent robotic systems.
  • Artificial intelligence in today's societies.

Second semester (extensible up to 6 more months)

Master thesis.

Información adicional

- Early bird discount of € 1000 for applications until September 30th 2022 applies.

- The course is considered 'intensive' as it is estimated that the student will dedicate about 1500 hours to complete the course satisfactorily.

- The course is understood as 'subsidizable' in the sense that there is the possibility of access to scholarships for the course that can cover even the entire cost of the tuition fees.

- There is the possibility of carrying out the master's thesis at companies or institutions.

- Maximum number of students per year: 20

Más información

¿Necesitas un coach de formación?

Te ayudará a comparar y elegir el mejor curso para ti y a financiar tu matrícula en cómodos plazos.

900 49 49 40

Llamada gratuita. Lunes a Viernes de 9h a 20h.

Master's degree in applied artificial intelligence (ARTIFICIAL)

5.990 € IVA inc.