Master in Design for Emergent Futures

ELISAVA Escuela Universitaria de Diseño e Ingeniería de Barcelona
ELISAVA Escuela Universitaria de Diseño e Ingeniería de Barcelona
1 opinión
  • Elegí este lugar por su prestigio y nivel académico. También debo agregar que sus instalaciones son preciosas y muy limpias. Amplio catalogo de carreras disponibles y con temarios actualizados. Muy recomendable.


En Barcelona

12.800 € IVA inc.

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900 49 49 40

Llamada gratuita. Lunes a Viernes de 9h a 20h.


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  • Duración

    9 Meses

  • Inicio


The world of the future is yet to be imagined and designed. Shaping societies, industries and behaviours is a task to tackle by those able to combine different disciplines and overview the present challenges to become agents for change and adaptation.

The Master in Design for Emergent Futures focuses on designing interventions in products, platforms, and deployments to produce new emergent futures.

We want to help you take design one step further by turning your innovative ideas into great solutions. By combining high technology, innovation, thinking and creativity for the future, designers, sociologists, economists, anthropologists, technology entrepreneurs, computer scientists and changemakers will provide the strategic vision and tools to become agents of change in multiple professional environments.

Follow the link on this page to request more information.

Información importante

Para realizar esta formación debes tener uno de estos niveles de estudios: Grado, Licenciatura, Diplomatura..., Máster, Posgrado, Doctorado o en último curso

Instalaciones y fechas



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La Rambla 30-32, 08002


OctubreMatrícula abierta

A tener en cuenta

Master's Degree in Design for Emergent Futures, degree awarded by the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) and Elisava.

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  • Elegí este lugar por su prestigio y nivel académico. También debo agregar que sus instalaciones son preciosas y muy limpias. Amplio catalogo de carreras disponibles y con temarios actualizados. Muy recomendable.

Valoración del curso

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Valoración del Centro

Diego Castillo

Sobre el curso: Elegí este lugar por su prestigio y nivel académico. También debo agregar que sus instalaciones son preciosas y muy limpias. Amplio catalogo de carreras disponibles y con temarios actualizados. Muy recomendable.
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*Todas las opiniones recogidas por Emagister & iAgora han sido verificadas

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Este centro lleva 22 años en Emagister.


  • Tecnología
  • Innovation
  • Design
  • Sociology
  • Strategy


Oscar Tomico

Oscar Tomico

Head of Studies of the Degree in Engineering in Industrial Design

Tomás Díez

Tomás Díez

Co-director of the Master's Degree in Design for Emergent Futures


This master has a high component of hands-on learning and project-based learning. Students will be requested to transform big ideas into design strategies, prototypes, and interventions to be tested in the real world focused on Barcelona but connected globally with other cities.
  • We will delve into:

Instrumentation. Learn a modular set of maker skills and tools and how these can be used in the design process of translating ideas into prototypes and prototypes into products. Skills include coding, digital fabrication, hardware design, synthetic biology, and computational thinking.Exploration. Be exposed to a set of technologies and socio-cultural phenomena that can disrupt our present understanding of society, industry and the economy.Reflection. Participate in individual and group reflection sessions to develop one’s own identity and skill set, knowledge and attitude as a designer.Application. Create design responses to explore curiosity through innovation. Be encouraged to be creative and follow a culture of making where prototyping is a generator of knowledge, and experimentation is crucial for problem-solving.The Master in Design for Emergent Futures is organised into three terms: Oct-Dec, Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun. Each term includes design studios, seminars and expert masterclasses. The master also offers a research trip. Previous trips have been to Shenzhen (China) and Cuba.
  • In the first year, we will be exposed to:

Design Studio sessions focus on real-world experimentation and socio-technical development. Students develop technical, aesthetic and conceptual skills during the year by working on real-life scenarios.Seminars. International experts from design and emergent technologies, including speculative futures, futurology and speculative design, contribute to the programme as guest lecturers throughout the academic year.Fab Academy provides advanced, hands-on digital fabrication instruction and access to technological tools and resources. It is directed by Neil Gershenfeld of MIT’s Center For Bits and Atoms and is based on MIT’s rapid prototyping course, MAS 863: How to Make (Almost) Anything.The second academic year is devoted to going deeper into our previous training and developing the final Thesis Project. We will continue research and innovation agendas using a multi-scalar, experimental and realistic approach and turning the final projects into living platforms for academic research, business development or direct impact on open source communities.
  • We have three types of Thesis projects, related to each quarter of the programme, and each with its specific objectives:

Implementation: tutorials carried out with the directors of the master, directors of the study workshop, and guest experts to reinforce the ability to articulate innovation projects in the real world incorporating the acquired knowledge.Validation: developing a series of strategies during the implementation of the final Masters project for its economic, environmental, social, and communicative assessment.Dissemination: developing the communication strategies (in traditional and innovative media: digital field, print or performative) and dissemination actions in the academic area.The programme also offers a 9-month residency program working on a first-rate research project at Fab Lab Barcelona, IAAC and Elisava. You will become a full-fledged junior researcher at the host institution, working hand in hand with the project teams and with the guide of a research mentor.

Más información

¿Necesitas un coach de formación?

Te ayudará a comparar y elegir el mejor curso para ti y a financiar tu matrícula en cómodos plazos.

900 49 49 40

Llamada gratuita. Lunes a Viernes de 9h a 20h.

Master in Design for Emergent Futures

12.800 € IVA inc.