Oposiciones Guardia Civil

Preparación de oposiciones

En Oviedo

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900 49 49 40

Llamada gratuita. Lunes a Viernes de 9h a 20h.


  • Tipología


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  • Inicio

    Fechas a elegir

Fase de concurso: De acuerdo con lo establecido en el artículo 6.2 del Reglamento aprobado por el Real Decreto 597/2002, de 28 de junio, la fase de concurso consistirá en la valoración de los méritos académicos y profesionales aportados por el admitido a las pruebas, que se valorarán de acuerdo con las puntuaciones señaladas en el Apéndice I de la presente convocatoria. La puntuación total de esta fase estará comprendida entre un mínimo de cero (0) y un máximo de sesenta (60) puntos.
La fase de oposición se ajustará al régimen establecido en la Orden de 9 de abril de 1996, y a lo previsto en el Reglamento aprobado por Real Decreto 597/2002, de 28 de junio, y constará de las siguientes pruebas:
a) Ortografía.
b) Conocimientos.
c) Lengua extranjera.
d) Psicotécnica.
e) Aptitud psicofísica, que a su vez se dividirá en:
Prueba de aptitud física.
Entrevista personal.
Reconocimiento médico.
En ningún caso se permitirá el uso de diccionarios, libros, apuntes, calculadoras o cualquier otro tipo de ayudas.
No se permitirá la utilización de teléfonos móviles, así como la utilización de cualquier dispositivo que permita la grabación, reproducción o transmisión de imágenes o sonidos. El incumplimiento de esta norma llevará consigo la eliminación del aspirante del proceso de selección y la pérdida de los derechos de examen.

Instalaciones y fechas



Oviedo (Asturias)
Ver mapa
C/ PEDRO A. MENENDEZ, 1 . 1º, 33004


Fechas a elegirMatrícula abierta

A tener en cuenta

Seguridad Ciudadana.
Seguridad Vial.
El control de armas.
Lucha antiterrorista.
Violencia de Género.
Orden Público.

Tener nacionalidad española.
* Tener cumplidos 18 años y no cumplir ni haber cumplido 30 años en el año de la convocatoria.
* Tener una estatura mínima de 1,65 metros los hombres y 1,60 las mujeres.
* Acreditar buena conducta ciudadana.
* No estar privado de derechos civiles.

Preguntas & Respuestas

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  • Gobierno
  • Guardia civil
  • Motores
  • C++
  • Psicosis
  • Ortografía
  • Asimetría
  • Pie
  • Dioptrías
  • Enfermedades
  • Derechos humanos
  • Lengua extranjera


A) Spelling

Spelling test on a text in the official Spanish language of the State.

B) Knowledge

B.1. Legal Sciences

Topic 1. The Spanish Constitution of 1978. General characteristics and inspiring principles. Structure. Preliminary title .

Topic 2. Title I. Fundamental rights and duties.

Topic 3. Title II. The crown.

Topic 4. Title III. The general courts.

Item 5 . Title IV. The Government and the Administration. Title V. Relations between the Government and the Cortes Generales. Title VI. The judicial power.

Item 6. Title VIII. Territorial organization of the State.

Item 7 . Title IX. Constitutional Court. Title X. Constitutional reform.

Item 8 . Criminal law. Concept. General principles of law. Concept of crime and lack. Dolo and guilt. Subjects and object of crime. Persons responsible for crimes and misdemeanors. Punishable grades of crime and misdemeanors. Modifying circumstances of the criminal responsibility.

Item 9. Crimes against the Public Administration. Offenses committed by public officials against constitutional guarantees.

Topic 10. Criminal Procedural Law. The Law of Criminal Procedure and Criminal Procedure. Jurisdiction and competence. First steps. The criminal action. Denunciation concept. Obligation to report. The complaint. Formalities and effects. The complaint.

Topic 11. The Judicial Police. Composition. Mission. Form of action. Dependency and relationship with judicial authorities.

Item 12 . Detention: Who and when they can stop. Deadlines, Procedure of "habeas corpus". Entry and registration closed instead.

Topic 13. Of the Security Forces and Corps. Basic principles of action. Common statutory provisions. State Security Forces and Bodies. Functions Competences Police structure in Spain. Dependent bodies of the Government of the nation. Dependent bodies of the Autonomous Communities and Local Communities.

Item 14. The Body of the Civil Guard. Military nature Structure. Dependencies Functions

Topic 15. Legal Regime of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure. Purpose. Scope and general principles. Of the Public Administrations and their relations. Organs Of those interested. The activity of the Public Administrations.

Item 16. Provisions and administrative acts. General provisions on administrative procedures. Review of administrative acts. Sanctioning power. The responsibility of the Public Administrations, their authorities and other personnel at your service. The contentious-administrative appeal.

B.2. Socio-cultural matters

Item 17 . Civil protection. Definition. Legal basis. Informative principles of civil protection. Participants. Classification of emergency situations. Hierarchical scheme. Civil protection functions.

Item 18. International organizations. Historical evolution. Concept and characters of international organizations. Classification. Nature, structure and functions: United Nations, Council of Europe, European Union and North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Topic 19. Human rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. The international covenants of human rights. The Human Rights Commission: Protection procedures. The Council of Europe. The Charter of Turin. The Rome Convention: Protection procedures.

Topic 20 : Ecology. Relationship functions of living beings. Environment. Physical factors: Soil, light, temperature and humidity. Biological factors Associations Population and community. Ecosystem. Components Types: Terrestrial and aquatic. The ecological balance Aggressions to the environment. Contamination. Waste.

B.3. Technical-scientific subjects

Topic 21. Electricity and electromagnetism. Electric current. Tension, intensity and resistance. Ohm's law. Association of electrical components. Tension fall. Energy of the electric current. Electric power Magnetism. Magnetic field. Magnetic flux. Magnetic permeability Magnetic field created by the electric current. Solenoid, electromagnet and relay. Induced electromotive force. Electromotive force of autoinduction.

Topic 22. Transmissions. Elements of comunications. Spectrum of frequencies. Mesh concept and working channel. Difficulties in the mesh link in VHF and UHF. User services or work modes. Transmitters and radio receivers (AM and FM). Repeaters equipment. The electromagnetic waves. Propagation and scope. Antennas Power sources

Item 23 . Motoring. Automobile mechanics Engines: Classes. Cylinders Time. Settings Diesel engine. Piston. Connecting rod. Crankshaft. Steering wheel. Sump. Two-stroke engine. Power in explosion engines and diesel. Lubrication. Refrigeration. Transmission mechanisms. Suspension. Address. Brakes. Electricity of the automobile. Ignition systems. Dynamo. Alternator. Battery. Starting motor. Distribution.

Item 24 . Computing. Informatic introduction. Functions and phases of a data process. The computer and its input, calculation and output units. Concept of program and types. Concept of the operating system and its functions. Storage of information: Concept of file.

Topic 25. Topography. Geographical elements: Terrestrial axis, poles, meridian, parallel, equator, cardinal points, geographic coordinates, azimuth and heading. Geometric units of measurement: Linear units, numerical and graphic scales, angular units. Terrain representation: Planimetry and altimetry, terrain classes, terrain accidents, system of bounded planes, slope between two points.

C) Foreign language

Test of written comprehension and spelling on a text in English or French.


The tests will be carried out in the order that, at each moment, the Selection Court determines.

  1. SPEED TEST. 50 meters race on the track with standing start. This distance should be covered in a time no longer than 8.30 seconds for men and 9.40 seconds for women. Two attempts will be allowed.
  1. PROOF OF MUSCLE RESISTANCE. Race of 1,000 meters on track with standing output. This distance will be covered in a time no longer than 4 minutes 10 seconds for men and 4 minutes 50 seconds for women. A single attempt.
  1. EXTENSIVE PROOF OF THE SUPERIOR TRAIN.It will be done by placing the performer on land tilted forward. Place your hands in the most comfortable position keeping your arms perpendicular to the floor and shoulder width. It will be counted as a flexion-extension when you touch the chin on the floor and return to the starting position, keeping the shoulders, back and legs in prolongation at all times. The flexion-extension of the arms that is not simultaneous or in which the body rests on the floor other than the chin, tip of the feet and hands will not be valid. The number of push-ups carried out will not be less than eighteen for men and fourteen for women. During the exercise a rest is allowed, at any time, as long as it is carried out in an inclined ground position. The contact zone of the chin can be cushioned with a thickness not exceeding six centimeters. Two spaced attempts will be allowed to allow the performer to recover.
  1. PROOF OF SWIMMING. 50 meters course in the pool. Located the performer standing on the edge of the pool, will jump into the water and make the journey with free style and without support in a time not exceeding 70 seconds for men and 75 seconds for women. A single attempt.


Medical chart of exclusions for admission to the Civil Guard Corps


  1. Size less than 165 centimeters in men and 160 centimeters in women, or more than 203 centimeters in standing. (Amended by Order PRE / 735/2007, of March 27)
  2. Thoracic perimeter less than half the size.
  3. Obesity greater than 20 percent or thinness less than 20 percent of the ideal weight, with the ideal weight in kilograms = 0.75 x (height in centimeters - 150) 50.
  4. Loss or alteration, total or partial, congenital or acquired from any part of the body, which impairs the general morphology.


  1. Diseases, physical defects or hereditary, constitutional or acquired anomalies that require some kind of specific and / or long-term treatment, or that involve risk or rejection for social relations or coexistence within the Body.
  2. Systematized affections of connective tissue.
  3. Malignant tumors of any location and clinical form and benign ones that due to their size or location, cause functional disorders or affect the aesthetics of the individual.
  4. Diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs, of some functional or prognostic importance.
  5. Disorders of coagulation.
  6. Immune and allergic diseases of some functional or prognostic importance.
  7. Hydatid cyst.
  8. Deficiency diseases that have produced morphological and functional alterations.
  9. Acute or chronic poisoning, with important anatomical or functional disorders.


  1. Endocrinometabolic diseases, which produce morphological or functional alterations.
  2. Hypercholesterinemia greater than 220 mg per 100.
  3. Hypertriglycerinemia greater than 200 mg per 100.
  4. Hyperglycemia higher than 110 mg per 100.


  1. Diseases of the skin or scalp, chronic or recurrent, rebellious to treatment.
  2. Deformities or scars that affect the mobility or aesthetics of the individual or prevent the use of regulatory equipment.
  3. Infected ulcers with a recurrent tendency.


  1. Organic diseases of the central or peripheral nervous system or of the meninges that cause motor or sensory disorders.
  2. Congenital anomalies or traumatic sequelae of the skull or rachis that produce alterations or functional disorders.
  3. Abnormal involuntary movements in all its forms.
  4. Comitial or affinity comital crisis (as the so-called epileptic equivalents and others) with significant electroencephalographic findings.
  5. Psychosis of known somatic base and reactive psychoses.
  6. The so-called endogenous psychoses of chronic or recurrent evolution.
  7. Psychoneurosis of evident symptomatology, marked and chronic evolution.
  8. Pathological or maladaptive psychic reactions for the service and personality disorders.
  9. Dementia, cognitive disorders and other psychoorganic syndromes.
  10. Intellectual coefficient less than 90.
  11. Psychomotor disorders of neuropathic or constitutional background that originate or may be emotionally accentuated with the service.
  12. Paralysis residual facial that produce obvious asymmetries in the face.
  13. Evidence of consumption of psychotropic substances or drugs.
  14. Excessive habitual consumption of alcohol considered a disorder due to abuse of this substance.


  1. Congenital or acquired diseases of organs of the oral cavity and pharynx of some prognostic importance that cause mastication or swallowing disorders.
  2. Sialorrhea and salivary fistulas.
  3. Esophageal disorders, with important functional disorders.
  4. Ailments of the stomach, small or large intestine and peritoneum, in evolution, of some functional or prognostic importance.
  5. Gastroduodenal peptic ulcer.
  6. Post-surgical sequels that produce functional disorders that disable the service.
  7. Rectum and anus, congenital or acquired, that produce functional disorders.
  8. Hemorrhoids and hemorrhoidal prolapses. Its existence does not constitute an impediment to perform the remaining exercises of the call, but will be cause for exclusion provided they are not corrected surgically before, in any case, to make its presentation in the corresponding military training center.
  9. Diseases of the liver, bile and pancreas, acute or chronic.
  10. Alterations of the abdominal wall that hinder the physical activities that are required in the service.
  11. Abdominal or inguinal hernias.
  12. Perineal and sacrococcygeal fistulas.


  1. Deviations of the nasal septum or hypertrophy of turbinates that hinder nasal breathing. Affections of the nose, nasal pits, nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses whose prognostic or functional importance is incompatible with the service.
  2. Evolutionary affections or sequelae of acute or chronic processes of the trachea, bronchi, lungs, pleura, mediastinum and thoracic cavity, that produce respiratory alterations.
  3. Bronchial asthma.


  1. Organic or functional disorders of the heart, pericardium or large vessels, congenital or acquired that produce functional alterations.
  2. Brachycardia inferior to 45 systoles per minute and are an expression of a pathological electrocardiogram. Permanent tachycardia superior to 120 beats per minute, the examinee being in the supine position and in conditions of absolute rest for ten minutes.
  3. Residual heart disease
  4. Pre-excitation situations and all rhythm or cardiac conduction disorders, except sinus arrhythmia, isolated supraventricular or ventricular premature beats, first-degree atrioventricular block, complete right bundle branch block, and left bundle branch hemiblock (anterior and later).
  5. Disorders of cardiac conduction incompatible with the service.
  6. Arterial hypertension, with stresses greater than 140mm Hg systolic and / or 90mm Hg diastolic, determined at rest and after repeated testing.
  7. Aneurysms of large vessels and arteriovenous fistulas.
  8. Peripheral arteries that produce functional disorders.
  9. Varicose or venous dilatations of any type that are marked clearly in standing.
  10. Acute and chronic phlebitis.
  11. Postphlebitic sequelae and lymphangiectasias with chronic edema and / or trophic disorders.


  1. Diseases, injuries or abnormalities of the bones, joints and muscles, incompatible with the service.
  2. Traumatic affections of bones, joints and muscles, in course of evolution with important functional disorders.
  3. Kyphosis, lordosis and scoliosis, which although they are not very evident produce an aesthetic asymmetry of standing.
  4. Asymmetry of the shoulder girdle.
  5. Pseudoarthrosis of the bones of the arm, forearm, thigh and leg, pseudoarthrosis of the carpal scaphoid.
  6. Total or partial atrophies of the musculature of the limbs.
  7. Articular injuries or sequelae of them that cause evident limitation of the movements of flexion, extension, supination or pronation.
  8. Anatomical loss or permanent, congenital or acquired atrophy of the upper limb.
  9. Anatomical loss of any finger or part of it, in the dominant hand.
  10. Anatomical loss of any finger or part of it, in the non-dominant hand, except for the loss of a phalanx in the last three fingers, provided that their functional capacity is normal and compatible with the service.
  11. Anatomical or functional alterations that cause evident diminution of the power of apprehension of a hand.
  12. Anatomical loss or permanent, congenital or acquired atrophy of the lower limb, which produces disorders of ambulation.
  13. Shortening of a lower limb, which produces asymmetry of the coxo-femoral joints in standing.
  14. Deviations of the joints of the hip or knee, in any of its forms (coxavara, geno-valgum, genu-varum or recurvátum).
  15. Equine foot, cavo, varro or talo marked.
  16. Flattened foot, with marked descent of the plantar vault.
  17. Absence or loss of the last phalanx of the first toe of a foot.
  18. Absence or loss of the last phalanx of two fingers of a foot.
  19. Absence or loss of one of the last four toes of a foot.


  1. Congenital or acquired conditions of any etiology, which affect any of the ocular structures, and whose functional or prognostic importance is incompatible with the service.
  2. Loss or atrophy of an eyeball. Intraorbital foreign bodies.
  3. Detachment of the retina, unilateral or bilateral, even treated with good results.
  4. Glaucoma and alterations of ocular tension, uni or bilateral, in all its forms.
  5. Exophthalmos, if the correct closing of the eyelids interferes.
  6. Palperal ptosis, unilateral or bilateral, manifests.
  7. Dacryocystitis and chronic, uni or bilateral epiphora.
  8. Congenital eyelid coloboma. Scars and palpebrocunjuntival adhesions that hinder vision or produce marked deformity. Ectropion and entropion. Trichiasis and dyschichosis.
  9. Chronic blepharitis with thickening of the free edge of the eyelid and loss of eyelashes.
  10. Chronic conjunctivitis Trachoma Xerophthalmia. Unilateral or bilateral Pterigion of marked development.
  11. Sclera films Scleritis and episcleritis.
  12. Keratitis Central or peripheral corneal walleye, if they produce visual disturbances. Stafilomas and corneal dystrophies.
  13. Uveitis Alterations of the uveal body, which cause functional disorders.
  14. Dislocations, subluxations and ectopias of the lens. Cataracts and opacities. Afquia. Pseudoafaquia
  15. Vitreous hemorrhages. Traumatic vitreous hematoma. Vitreous fibrous organization.
  16. Retinopathies and degenerative alterations of the fundus. Hemeralopia. Tapetorretinian, pigmented and non-pigmented degenerations and related conditions. Retinal detachment.
  17. Optic neuritis Papillary edema. Optic atrophy
  18. Heterotropy greater than 5 degrees. Diplopia. Nystagmus
  19. Forias. Endophoria superior to 10 diopters prismatic. Exophoria superior to 5 diopters prismatic. Hyperforia superior to 1 prismatic diopter.
  20. Symmetrical and extensive hemianopsies and scotomas by sessions of pathways or optical centers.
  21. Visual field reduction greater than 15 degrees.
  22. Absolute blindness to red or green, determined by the tables of Ishiara.
  23. Myopia or hyperopia in a degree equivalent to 2.5 diopters or astigmatism equivalent to 2 diopters in any eye.

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900 49 49 40

Llamada gratuita. Lunes a Viernes de 9h a 20h.

Oposiciones Guardia Civil

Precio a consultar