Fashion Styling & Image Creation For Beginners (Estilismo para Principiantes)


En London (Inglaterra)

2.304,95 € IVA inc.

*Precio Orientativo

Importe original en GBP:

£ 1.975 £ 1.976

Más información

¿Necesitas un coach de formación?

Te ayudará a comparar y elegir el mejor curso para ti y a financiar tu matrícula en cómodos plazos.

900 49 49 40

Llamada gratuita. Lunes a Viernes de 9h a 20h.


  • Tipología


  • Nivel

    Nivel básico

  • Lugar

    London (Inglaterra)

  • Horas lectivas


Objetivo del curso: Para qué te prepara Cursos veraniegos de preparación para carreras en diseño y Moda. Dirigido a: Dirigido a jóvenes estudiantes, graduados, licenciados y profesionales con intereses en el mundo de diseño y moda

Instalaciones y fechas



London (Inglaterra)
Ver mapa
CSM Short Course Office, Granary Building, 1 Granary Square, London, Inglaterra, N1C 4AA



A tener en cuenta

Edad mínima 18 años, y graduados. Comprensión de la lengua Inglesa.

Preguntas & Respuestas

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Para extranjeros tiene otros costo?

Usuario Emagister, Más de dos años


Respuesta de Usuario Emagister (Más de dos años)

Lo dudo. Es un curso normal educativo. No van a cobrar por la nacionalidad de cada estudiante. Puedes ver los costos si pides más información en la pestaña y escribes toda la información.

Respuesta de Usuario Emagister (Más de dos años)

No. El curso ya tiene un precio establecido y aplica para cualquier persona que lo va a cursar



Fashion Styling for Beginners

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Fashion Styling for Beginners

About the Course

During the first nine days of your studies you will learn the fundamentals of fashion styling. You will develop techniques of sourcing garments, accessories and props, learn to work within a team with live models and to tight deadlines, as well as undertaking individual creative projects. You will have London as your key reference point and you will use the college and the surrounding public spaces to create amazing fashion images. You will learn about the fashion magazine business in the UK, both the glossies and the more independent art-based magazines, and identify the differences that their editors demand. The course will be practical and fast-paced with talks from stylists already working in London, and is ideal for anyone who wants to take their first steps in the fashion industry. The work that you create in London will be key to the success of your studies in Milan. The second stage of the course will further develop your knowledge and skills in fashion styling but this time in a Milan context. You will be introduced to all the elements that must be taken into account to attract media attention. Technical training in the field of fashion styling will include how to create a new image for a body and its clothes, and how to use make-up techniques, hair shapes, location, light and photography to inform and persuade the customer. Styling is about creating a concept that represents fashion dreams, and during your time in Milan you will develop a project for a fictional fashion magazine and its related editorials. For both parts of the course you will have to be motivated and curious, ready to work as individuals and in groups. An attitude of active participation in the seminars and studios is essential. No specific skills are necessary but candidates should be prepared to work hard and fast and experiment with new ideas whilst also having lots of fun. A digital camera is strongly recommended because your final presentation in Milan will involve photography, video and graphic techniques.

Más información

¿Necesitas un coach de formación?

Te ayudará a comparar y elegir el mejor curso para ti y a financiar tu matrícula en cómodos plazos.

900 49 49 40

Llamada gratuita. Lunes a Viernes de 9h a 20h.

Fashion Styling & Image Creation For Beginners (Estilismo para Principiantes)

2.304,95 € IVA inc.

*Precio Orientativo

Importe original en GBP:

£ 1.975 £ 1.976